Category Archives: Parenting Tips

Ways to Encourage Good Behavior, Without The Prizes or Treats

Ways to Encourage Good Behavior, Without The Prizes or Treats

Instilling good behavior from childhood will nurture your child into a good human being. Good behavior can be taught via role modeling, imitation, positive remarks, etc. But if you give your child treats or prizes every time they behave well, they will learn the lesson of behaving well for a selfish and personal gain. There […]

10 Activities to Keep Kids Busy While Parents Work at Home

10 Activities to Keep Kids Busy While Parents Work at Home

Balancing an important meeting from home and entertaining your child is no cakewalk. Whether your child is a toddler or older, they will feel bored by being cooped in the house and nobody to play with. You may get an important call and your child whining to play a game with you, what do you […]

Breathing Exercises for Kids

breathing exercise for kids

Breathing exercises help us to regulate our body functions as well as help us to connect our mind and body. It is practiced for healthy digestion, calm state of mind, to keep anger and anxiety away, etc. Breathing exercises kids are healthy as a good habit nurtured today will be carried in their adult life […]

10 Signs Your Child May Be Unhappy

10 signs your child may be unhappy

When parents make a decision that disrupts the life of the child, or they make certain decisions regarding their education, travel, shifting houses, or even introducing a new partner, it can cause the child to be hampered with a range of emotions. It can lead a child to be unhappy. The sole goal of parenting […]

Help Kids to Communicate With Each Other

When your kid will first go to school, park, picnics, etc. he or she will be entrusted with the challenge of communicating with others of their age and make friends. For some children, communication is easier, whereas, for others, it’s not easy. Kids communication skills start by speaking at home, and as such parents can […]

10 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

10 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

When you ask a parent, what is it that they want their child to be? Their immediate response will be “happy and successful”. A happy child is a successful child, as they are free of the low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and they are free of the burden that comes with anxiety and overthinking when […]

10 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share

10 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share

Imagine this- your child has 4 or 5 toys in their room. They play with their two favorite toys, whereas they neglect the rest two. When their friends arrive, they will play with neglected toys. What happens then? Your child will take that toy and wish to play with it. The laughter and delight of […]

Helping Children Love Their Differences

Helping Children Love Their Differences

Children often go up to their parents and ask why their friends have skin that is fairer or darker than them. They may ask their parents why my brother is shorter than me, or why am I taller than my sister. Children’s differences are what make them unique, but it’s hard for them to understand […]

Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids to Go Green

Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids to Go Green

When we see adults who are conscious of their consumption and avoid everything that harms the environment, we aspire our children to follow in their footsteps as well. You will want to teach kids to go green and preserve our environment. But sometimes children are too young to understand the benefits and need to go […]

How to Make Your Child a Problem Solver?

How to Make Your Child a Problem Solver?

Problem-solving is a skill that your child will need to nurture and use in all sectors of their life. A problem solver child is something that every parent strives to acknowledge their child as, and there are many activities planned for the same. When your child can solve their own problems, they will no longer […]