Category Archives: Environment

10 Benefits of Playing Outdoor Games For Kids

10 Benefits Of Playing Outdoor Games For Kids

We observe kids becoming more and more like couch potatoes these days. They have their remote controllers, laptops, or smart phones in their hands. While it’s definitely a plus point to see them engage in activities and skills that will help them adapt to adult life, they are ignoring the outside world. Children would rather […]

10 Benefits of Going Out & Engaging with Nature for Kids

When we were kids, we would climb up the trees, we chased butterflies, and threw rocks in the puddles. While we were doing these activities, we never knew it could have any benefits for our development. When kids these days ask to sign up for nature activities for kids, parents back out thinking that it […]

Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids to Go Green

Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids to Go Green

When we see adults who are conscious of their consumption and avoid everything that harms the environment, we aspire our children to follow in their footsteps as well. You will want to teach kids to go green and preserve our environment. But sometimes children are too young to understand the benefits and need to go […]