Category Archives: Good Habits

How to Teach a Child to Share

How to Teach a Child to Share

Sharing is an essential life skill that every child must learn. Toddlers generally take time for a clear understanding of this concept. Learn how to teach a child to share with these helpful tips. Teach a Child to Share 1. Take Turns Take a toy and say, “It’s my turn to play.” Then, give it to […]

7 Tips on How to Make Your Toddlers Sleep Easily

How to Make Your Toddlers Sleep Easily

Toddlers need adequate sleep due to their daily actions. Your toddler doesn’t know it, but they need their sleep. Some kids seem to be born as “good” sleepers, and some aren’t. The good news is, falling asleep is a habit, and all kids can learn it. It may take some time to develop that habit, […]

Maintaining Sleep Schedule & Its Importance

Sleep is essential for mental growth as well as physical growth. We have spent many sleepless nights pondering over the dreamland of sleep. Sleep is especially essential for children. The children have to be tamed into an ideal sleeping schedule for the children since their early childhood. A child needs about 11-12 hours of sleep […]

10 Tips to Get Kids to Do Their Chores

When you shout at your child to make their bed, to clean their room, etc. their only response is “I will do it later”. And what do they do in the meantime? They lie around the couch and surf through the net, play games, watch videos, etc. The next day, it’s the repeat telecast of […]

10 Benefits of Going Out & Engaging with Nature for Kids

When we were kids, we would climb up the trees, we chased butterflies, and threw rocks in the puddles. While we were doing these activities, we never knew it could have any benefits for our development. When kids these days ask to sign up for nature activities for kids, parents back out thinking that it […]

11 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

An everyday struggle that parents face with kids is to get them to eat their veggies. Parents are on the hunt for new ways to get kids to eat vegetables. The kids always make a face and say no for eating veggies. If you put the vegetables in their dish, they very conveniently separate it […]

Ways To Teach Your Child to Read at Home

Ways To Teach Your Child to Read at Home

As your child will grow up, his other needs for growth will change. You will soon have to teach them how to read. While there are many methods that the teachers use to train the students to read ranging from quiz games and sight words, you can also invest in some ideas that will promote […]

10 Exercises for Children: How Physical Fitness Benefits The Brain

10 Exercises for Children: How Physical Fitness Benefits The Brain

When we think of exercise for children, we think of them running around the house and playing. While that is certainly a physical activity, it doesn’t target all the parts of the body. The workout should include exercises for good cardiovascular function, bone density, stronger muscles, etc. We definitely won’t be registering our little ones […]

Ways to Encourage Good Behavior, Without The Prizes or Treats

Ways to Encourage Good Behavior, Without The Prizes or Treats

Instilling good behavior from childhood will nurture your child into a good human being. Good behavior can be taught via role modeling, imitation, positive remarks, etc. But if you give your child treats or prizes every time they behave well, they will learn the lesson of behaving well for a selfish and personal gain. There […]

10 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share

10 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share

Imagine this- your child has 4 or 5 toys in their room. They play with their two favorite toys, whereas they neglect the rest two. When their friends arrive, they will play with neglected toys. What happens then? Your child will take that toy and wish to play with it. The laughter and delight of […]