Category Archives: Blogs for Kids

7 Tips to Comfort Children After They Have Nightmares

7 Tips to Comfort Children After They Have Nightmares

Kids are full of imagination and fantasies and hence, at this tender age, they are prone to frequent nightmares. Waking up to your kids screaming in fear, after a nightmare they just had, surely makes you worry. Nightmares have no specific, proven reasons for the occurrence. Still, there could be a few factors that feed […]

6 Ways to Ensure Healthy Social Development of a Child

Social Development of a Child

We all want our kiddos to be able to express themselves fully wherever they go. That is why the social development of a child is essential, then their well-developed social skills will take them a long way ahead in their life. Right now, your life revolves around them. But soon, their life is going to […]

6 Tips for Successful Road Trips with Toddlers

road trips with toddlers

Planning to go on road trips with toddlers this weekend? If yes, these tips will surely help you to make your journey successful! Tips for Successful Road Trips with Toddlers: 1. Plan according to your kid’s nap time/sleep time Starting the ride just before your kid’s sleep time will surely be the best decision. You […]

6 Secret Tips for Tackling Work and Childcare

6 Secret Tips for Tackling Work and Childcare

This is probably the most testing phase of your life. You have to balance out the time for your sweet little munchkin and your responsibilities. Everything is possible if one handles the situations effectively. It’s time you go from being just parents to being ‘super-parents’. These 6 secret tips for tackling work and childcare will […]

7 Tips on How to Make Your Toddlers Sleep Easily

How to Make Your Toddlers Sleep Easily

Toddlers need adequate sleep due to their daily actions. Your toddler doesn’t know it, but they need their sleep. Some kids seem to be born as “good” sleepers, and some aren’t. The good news is, falling asleep is a habit, and all kids can learn it. It may take some time to develop that habit, […]

How to Help Kids Learn Math

How to Help Kids Learn Math

Parents often wonder why their child is having a hard time learning math. Math is surely a difficult subject to understand. It might have been your dreaded subject as well. That does not mean it should be a dreaded subject for your kids. Math is all about understanding concepts, memorizing them, and using them accordingly. […]

How Art is Helpful for Kids

How Art is Helpful for Kids

When people ask about how art is helpful for kids? We say Art is something that everyone enjoys doing. Art develops all the senses – sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste – depending on the activity. Art is medium to express imagination and technical skills. Children connect with different colors and designs quickly. Art is […]

How to Keep Kids Active During Summer Break

It’s summertime! Kids are finally free and all that they can see around is ‘free time!’. We know that summer vacations are extremely crucial for your kids, to relax and to grow. They have ample time to explore deeply and learn about the different aspects of life, outside the school curriculum. Keeping this in mind, […]

10 Signs Your Child is Being Bullied at School and How to Deal with it?

Bullying is a common occurrence at school these days. Some children talk about it, whereas most shy away from it. Instead of reporting to the teacher and parents, children suffer in silence either because of fear or because they don’t have the confidence to face their bullies. Parents are always worried about their children when […]

Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Diet for Kids

Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Diet for Kids

Diet for children has to consist of complete nutrition. Complete nutrition involves all the necessary minerals, vitamins, and nutrients needed to function daily. As for children’s diet, they have to be cared for and looked after the most as it directly links to their mental and physical growth. Children learn to speak new words every […]