Tag Archives: parenting tips

Kids Educational Blogs Every Parent Must Read

We are living in an era wherein education isn’t limited to books and school. The child will learn many things from home, online services, games, etc. To meet the educational demand of your child, you as a parent need to be ready for all their questions, as well as be prepared to provide them with […]

Best Homeschooling Ideas For Parents

More and more parents are opting for homeschooling; their reasons are varied, but they are all searching for the best homeschooling ideas. If you are one such parent and don’t know what can be done to make homeschooling easier and engaging, then you can read on and find out. I have listed some ideas and […]

Books Kids Should Read And Why?

Books Kids Should Read And Why?

Kids of all ages are encouraged to read often as it promotes many mental benefits for the child. Both the brain chemistry and the mental state of a child is improved after reading. If you wish to know the importance of the books, then they are- advanced eye-hand coordination, more vocabulary, increased creativity, faster and […]

Ways To Teach Your Child to Read at Home

Ways To Teach Your Child to Read at Home

As your child will grow up, his other needs for growth will change. You will soon have to teach them how to read. While there are many methods that the teachers use to train the students to read ranging from quiz games and sight words, you can also invest in some ideas that will promote […]

10 Reasons Your Baby Wakes Up at Night

10 Reasons Your Baby Wakes Up at Night

When parents are expecting, they are excited about the new life that they are bringing into this world, but at the same time, they are non-functional when their babies cry and scream at night. No matter how much you massage them, sing to them, induce a healthy environment for them to sleep, they will wake […]

How Do You Discipline a Child Who Doesn’t Listen?

Disciplining a child for certain good behaviors is what parents are always striving for. Yet, at times, your child won’t listen to you. Parents take it as a form of disrespect and either lash out on the child or enforce very strict rules. This will frustrate the child and make them irritated with their parents. […]

7 Tips to Stop Toddler Tantrums

7 Tips to Stop Toddler Tantrums

Temper tantrums of your toddler start with crying and finish by screaming or start by screaming and stop at crying. They happen at a time that you wish your child would behave well. Children have a habit of having temper tantrums when you meet someone, go out, or go shopping. This makes parents wonder, how […]

10 Activities to Keep Kids Busy While Parents Work at Home

10 Activities to Keep Kids Busy While Parents Work at Home

Balancing an important meeting from home and entertaining your child is no cakewalk. Whether your child is a toddler or older, they will feel bored by being cooped in the house and nobody to play with. You may get an important call and your child whining to play a game with you, what do you […]

10 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

10 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

When you ask a parent, what is it that they want their child to be? Their immediate response will be “happy and successful”. A happy child is a successful child, as they are free of the low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and they are free of the burden that comes with anxiety and overthinking when […]

Helping Children Love Their Differences

Helping Children Love Their Differences

Children often go up to their parents and ask why their friends have skin that is fairer or darker than them. They may ask their parents why my brother is shorter than me, or why am I taller than my sister. Children’s differences are what make them unique, but it’s hard for them to understand […]